Tables can be aliased between out and in stage in both ways from now. It is no longer limited to only in -> out direction.
Wait... what is R?
We've developed the backend and UI for transformations in R. All R transformations run in our public Docker image and have 1 GB memory allowance (will increase in near future).
There's a guide how to develop and test your R scripts locally and a list of best practices and limitations.
Start typing you R scripts now!
There has been a bug in both AdWords and Sklik extractors which caused undelivery of data to input tables since Feb 17 13:00 UTC. Actually the data had been saved to wrong bucket: in.c-ex-adwords instead of in.c-ex-adwords-[config] (similarly for Sklik). You can get the data there if you have only one configuration for the extractor. Otherwise data for more configurations will be mixed in this one bucket and so it will be safer to run the extractions again. Now the problem is fixed and should not occur again. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
AWS recently issued some information about connectivity issue in US-EAST-1 Region, where majority of our infrastructure is located. This may result in 500, 503 and 504 application errors within the infrastructure (our components) or when reaching out to other APIs (extractors).
We're sorry for any inconvenience. we'll keep this post updated with current status. You can also check the current status at, row Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (N. Virginia).
9:23 AM PST We are investigating possible Internet connectivity issues in the US-EAST-1 Region.
10:09 AM PST We are continuing to investigate Internet connectivity issues in the US-EAST-1 Region.
Storage Api Console now proceeds all non redshift tables exports ansychronously. Synchronous table export is deprecated except for redshift backend tables.
From now on you can use all OUT tables in all transformations. Previous restrictions on using OUT tables in Redshift transformations were removed.
There is lot of sheduled jobs waiting in orchestrations queue, we are adding more workers to resolve this issue.
UPDATE 11:00 CET: Issue is resolved. All orchestrations should start immediately. Sorry for inconvience.
There was a bug in import to Storage API from transformations, it was present only in the following conditions:
- Redshift transformation with output to Redshift table
- Output was incremental
- Previously null value was changed to non null value
Null values were never updated in Storage API table. Bug is fixed now but the affected output tables have to recreated. The bug was present in Storage since the roll out of Redshift support.
Storage now supports snapshotting and creating tables from snapshots for Redshift backend. Snapshots are compatible between backends, so you can use snapshotting feature for migration of tables between backends.
Rollback is not supported for Redshift tables at the moment.
We had some issues in one of our components (job handling queue) between 10pm and 10:15pm PST on Sunday night (03:00–03:15 UTC Monday). That had resulted in some failed orchestrations (scheduled at that time or starting it's tasks at that time) . We're planning to upgrade the component in the coming weeks, but if the error occurs again, we'll upgrade it immediately. The upgrade will be accompanied with a short maintenance downtime.
We're sorry for any inconvenience.