Orchestrator Phases

We introduce a new concept of grouping orchestration tasks into phases. All tasks in a phase must be independent and so can be run simultaneously at once. In other words, all tasks that belong to the same phase are run in parallel and the next phase begins right after all task from the previous phase are finished. Phases are executed in order specified from top to bottom. There is a limit for running number of simultaneous jobs(i.e. orchestration tasks) that is typically set to 10 per project.

From now on, each and every orchestration task belongs to a phase. The existing orchestration tasks are initially split up into single task phases(one task per one phase).

By editing the orchestration tasks user can group tasks into phases. For example, a common setup could have 3 phases: Extract, Transform and Load.

(tip: when merging phases hold SHIFT to select all phases between two selected phases.)

You can also let automatically group tasks according to their component types(extractor, transformation, writer etc)

SAS Writer

Select an existing Redshift bucket and SAS writer will provide credentials and detailed instructions on how to connect to it from SAS via ODBC Redshift driver.

Inplace Table Preview

Have an instant preview of the storage table right in place such as transformation mappings configuration, most of the extractors and writers configuration, job detail page etc. No need to switch between Storage Console in most of the cases.

Table id is displayed as a link:

Click on the link and get modal dialog pop up with general info about the table, its sample data, and the most recent events:

Mysql transformations slow down

We are experiencing mysql transformations processes to be running much slower than usually. We are working on fixing this issue. However, this does not affect the redshift based transformations which should be running normally.

Sorry for any incovience. 

Update (11:30am PST): Issue has been resolved, everything is running fine now.