The Database Extractor now supports Oracle.
The Database Extractor now supports Oracle.
We're experiencing very slow connection between our workers and the sandbox DB server. Please bear with us, we'll keep this post updated.
UPDATE 9.30pm PST: Looks like the connectivity is back at full speed. Thanks for your patience.
AdWords Extractor has been updated to AdWords API 2015.02, see for list of new features.
Some AWQL queries configured in the Extractor will stop working because there have been few changes in column names (the most visible is probably renaming of Conversions to ConvertedClicks).
We are experiencing mysql transformations processes to be running much slower than usually. We are working on fixing this issue. However, this does not affect the redshift based transformations which should be running normally.
Sorry for any incovience.
Update (11:30am PST): Issue has been resolved, everything is running fine now.
All attributes of table or bucket can be set by one API call
RunId identifiing running job is associated to all Storage API Files generated by this job. At the moment files can be filtered by RunId
This is a building block for upcoming aggregation API which will be able to provide aggregated informations about jobs such as data size transfered in and out, imported or created tables etc.
We're experiencing connectivity issues from AWS to some parts of the outer world (aka the Internet). As our transformation sandbox server ( is not in AWS you may experience failures when creating sandboxes and credentials. If this is not resolved within AWS shortly, we'll be switching the sandbox server into AWS network.
We will keep this post updated with the current status.
UPDATE (2:00pm PST): Connectivity seems to work fine now.
We're changing the way Facebook Extractor reacts to invalid accounts and tokens. Previously all invalid accounts/tokens were automatically disabled (with an error event in Storage) and the extractor continued with extraction.
As this event was easy to miss and there was no other notification about an invalid token/account, we switched to a more strict behavior. Any invalid account/token will stop the execution of the whole job/orchestration with an explaining message:
You need then to change the token or disable the account manually.
For any questions and comments do not hesitate to contact us at
Some orchestrations have failed around 09:46 AM CET, it was caused by SSL issues in Storage API.
Problem is fixed now, failed orchestrations are restarted. Sorry for inconvenience.
We changed the naming conventions for MySQL provisioning. Instead of tapi_3800_sand and tapi_3800_tran, where 3800 is my token ID, the new database names are sand_232_3800 and tran_3800, where 232 is project ID for easier distinction between projects in your sandbox userspace. Existing credentials keep their database names.
We also added a little more information to events: