Adform Extractor

We've launched a new extractor for Adform. You can start using it right away -- the extractor's interface will guide you through configuration.

With the Adform extractor we are introducing the concept of configuration templates. Templates are predefined common configurations that help you quickly set up the extractor without tons of settings. Templates also reduce duplication of tasks and support knowledge sharing. Soon other extractors will also gain template support, and we are also working on mechanism of publishing templates.

Setup extractor from predefined template:

You can then tune the extractor created from template:

Feel free to use this extractor and if you find any issue or have any question or suggestion let us know at .

iTunes Connect Extractor

iTunes Connect helps to manage the content sold on the Apple iTunes, iBooks Store and App Store. If you are working with the content for Apple devices, you have the basic analytics available in iTunes Connection Web Application where you can track the standard information. However, if there is a need for more detailed information and usage in deeper context (e.g. to make a mashup with other data sources), it may be handy to use Keboola Connection (as we needed in and that was the main reason for writing of this extension.

iTunes Connect Extractor is based on Apple Autoingestion Tool and written in Node.js and deployed with Docker.

For successful login you need to pass the iTunes Connect username, password and vendor id assigned to your iTunes account. How to pass these credentials and other params is written in Github repository. Apple's official guide is also handy for deeper understanding of all parameters.

The limitation of current version is that there is only possible to extract the Sales data only (with all available fields, described in documentation in Github repository as well) and the configuration have to be passed via JSON. You can download data within specified date period or use the daily increments.The next major version will have functionality for downloading Earnings data and have a proper user interface.

Feel free to use the iTunes Extractor and you find any issue or have any question or suggestion, don't hesitate to contact me at

Generic Extractor update

We have fixed an error in handling recursive calls in the new Generic extractor.

If you had a working configuration which uses recursions - by using the children parameter for a job (see, the format of result data and the parent ID column might have changed, which could result in a failed import to Storage API.

Please let us know if such error affects you and we'll take care of it!

Dropbox Writer

We've added Dropbox to our list of Writers. 

You can now easily upload any of your out. tables to your dropbox account by using the Writers menu in your project, add Dropbox and authorize Keboola Connection to write to your dropbox folder. Once you're done with that, you can tick any of your output tables and they will be pushed to your dropbox once you run the Writer, or you might just click the upload button next to a table in the list to do an one-time upload. 

Loading binary files in R transformations

If you want to load some data in your R transformation but it can't be stored in a table, you can now use Saved Files feature. This allows you to specify multiple tags and for each tag the engine will download the latest stored file in File uploads with this tag. If no file is found, the transformation will fail. The files are then stored in /data/in/user/{tag} and the manifest files in in /data/in/user/{tag}.manifest.

This comes extremely handy when you externally pre-generate binary data for a transformation (model, bucketing criteria). You just upload the file to the File upload and assign a certain tag, that you will then use in a transformation. 

Support for Multi-Factor Authentication

Keboola Connection now supports Multi-Factor Authentication (sometimes called two-step verification) using Google Authenticator app. It can be activated in Account section accessible from user menu. You will need to download the app first, version for iPhone is here and for Android here. This feature adds verification by 6-digit code generated by the app after entering of username and password and so increases safety of your account.

Activation looks like this:

And login will look like this:

Geocoding Augmentation component update

Geocoding component now allows to configure which data provider will be used and in which locale the data will be processed. You can choose from Google Maps, Google Maps for Business, Bing Maps, Yandex, MapQuest, TomTom, OpenCage and OpenStreetMap. See Apiary documentation for more details about configuration. Notice that you need to obtain API key for most services first.

Original mode of the component which used mixed providers with our own API keys still works (for configuration tables without attribute provider) but is only temporary to allow you to migrate and will be removed after few weeks.

Files storage errors

AWS S3 service which powers files storage is reporting increased error rate in our main region. It is causing failure of some jobs.

We hope for a quick fix, please bear with us, we'll post any updates here.

UPDATE 1:52 AM PDT AWS team have identified the root cause of the elevated error rates and is actively working on the recovery process now.

UPDATE 3:46 AM PDT The error has been corrected and the service is operating normally.

UPDATE 12:26 PM PDT Unfortunately problems are back again. We are waiting response from AWS.

UPDATE 12:28 PM PDT The issue has been resolved and the service is operating normally.