Synchronous imports into Storage API were broken from Jul 13 7:45 PM - 10:00 PM PST. Scheduled orchestrations were affected by this issue.
We apologize for any inconveniences.
Synchronous imports into Storage API were broken from Jul 13 7:45 PM - 10:00 PM PST. Scheduled orchestrations were affected by this issue.
We apologize for any inconveniences.
Like in orchestrations you can uncover what GoodData is job currently doing.
If you add new extractor, UI display all supported options. Not all of them has UI yet - in that case, ask us for assistance with configuration. All of them are stable and ready for use!
Happy data Mashuping!
Existing extractors are listed in alphabetical order + it's configurations are highlighted by default.
You can define Distribution Style for Redshift input mapping.
Here are some hints, how to design tables:
Some orchestrations may not have started between 3.7.2014 6:00 AM and 4.7.2014 3:15 AM due to bug in Orchestrator. Please check that your orchestrations have been started.
We apologize for any inconveniences.
You can add more data extractors through redesigned menu to enhance your data projects. Some of them hasn’t UI yet, so you’ll be asked to fill request for assistance. We’re happy to help you!
Several projects may have experienced errors in data loads described as Csv handling fails during the night and morning. The problem is fixed and should not occur anymore. We apologize for any inconveniences.
All Redshift transformations can now be easily integrated into SQLdep. A single click uploads your current transformation (and all dependecies) to SQLdep and shows you a big picture of what’s happening in the transformation. You can look at it from the table, column or query perspective.
Note: this is only available for Redshift transformations. For more information about our Redshift backend please contact
GoodData Writer experiences occurring network errors during download of csv files from storage and that cause failures of some load data jobs. We are working on fix. Thanks for patience.
Update: It seems that the network errors ceased. In addition we published a fix which should properly deal with such errors in the future. We apologize for any inconvenience.