Want to play with your KBC data in your local R environment?
Install the keboola-sapi-r-client and you can.
(The package is on GitHub so it is installed via the devtools package)
We need to install a github dependency
for aws request signature generation
Now we can install the Storage api client and load it into our R session
Just like any other R package, once installed, it can be invoked in any future session with the library() command.
To instantiate the client just give it a KBC token.
We'll use the token for the currency exchange rates for demonstration purposes.
client <- SapiClient$new('452-33945-de5bb7fecb818901f0834b2431564003296a4b05')
Now we can import data to our R session
currencyData <- client$importTable('in.c-ex-currency.rates')
Just for fun, let's make a simple plot of EUR vs USD using the ggplot2 library
if not installed on your R use install.packages("ggplot2")
# prepare our dataeurVsUsd <- currencyData[which(currencyData$toCurrency == "USD"),]eurVsUsd$date <- as.Date(eurVsUsd$date)# load the libraries needed to make our plotlibrary(ggplot2)library(scales) # for prettier x-axis labelingp <- ggplot(eurVsUsd, aes_string(x="date", y="rate")) + geom_point()# add x-axis scaling and titlep <- p + scale_x_date(breaks="1 year", labels=date_format("%Y"))p <- p + ggtitle("EUR vs USD")print(p)
The Storage API client gives full read and write access to your KBC project within the comforting power of your local R environment.
Imagine the possibilities!
* small print * This is a development tool in Beta, use at your own risk!