- Json editor has been improved to provide better user experience
- Gmail extractor ui now uses json schema
- Mailkit Writer
GoodData platform is experiencing some issue causing failures of data loads. Their engineers are working on it. See it's status here: https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/articles/221113408--Incident-Technical-issues-Failed-data-loads
UPDATE: The issue is fixed by now. Thank you for your patience.
SSO access to newly created projects might not work properly. We are investigating the problem with GoodData support. Thanks for your understanding.
Geocoding Augmentation Extractor has been rewritten as Docker component and the old version will be switched off by the end of June. Till then its users are kindly requested to migrate their configuration to the new version. Here is how to do it:
- Choose Geocoding v2 from list of extractors
- Create new configuration and give it some name as usual
- Add extraction configuration
- Add one or more input tables to input mapping. Please note that the table must have exactly one column with locations (or two columns with latitudes and longitudes in case of reverse geocoding) or you have to map the one (or two) columns in the input mapping.
- Add exactly one table to output mapping which will be filled with result of geocoding.
- Fill parameters configuration. It is in json format and must contain method of geocoding, data provider and other optional parameters like api key or locale. See https://github.com/keboola/geocoding-augmentation#configuration for more details
GoodData platform is experiencing some problems with Amazon S3 which can cause fails of data loads in some projects. See their status for more details: https://support.gooddata.com/hc/en-us/articles/220301407-Issues-with-Amazon-S3. Thanks for you patience.
Some GoodData Writer jobs were failing between 13:45 and 14:20 CEST due to internal error in the application. Hotfix was deployed immediately afterwards and it is properly fixed by now. Thanks for your understanding.
New Extractors and Writers
- Conductor Searchlight API Extractor
- Portadi Extractor
- Stripe Extractor
- Mode Analytics Writer
Enhancement to components with oAuth authorization
If you need to authorize access to a service from someone who does not have account in Keboola you can generate external link which will guide him through this process. Components supporting this feature so far are AdWords, BingAds, and Gmail, others like Google Drive, Google Analytics and Twitter will follow soon.
Job Events fixes
- new lines in event messages are formatted correctly
- ui stopped to poll for new events as soon as job finished which caused that some of them were not displayed without reload of the page
Other posts this week
Extractor has been updated to use AdWords API v201603. Please be sure to review your configuration so that it does not use no-longer supported metric names. You are free to use new metrics now.
Some older GoodData Writer configurations may experience fails of update model jobs which are accompanied by error message "You can not use a model that contains two or more facts identified by ids having same two tailing segments.". The problems are caused by some unexpected changes in GoodData's Project Model API after their Saturday's release. We are trying to fix the situation in cooperation with GoodData support. Thanks for your patience.
UPDATE (18:00 CET): The problem still isn't solved and apparently will take some more time. We will keep you updated. However you should be able to load data if you avoid updating of project model. It means use API calls load-data or load-data-multi instead of update-table and update-project (see API documentation)
UPDATE (Mar 22 17:30 CET): GoodData released a fix which prevents those failures of update model jobs. Writer should work without problem now. Thanks for your patience.
Extractor will update to API v201601 of AdWords API in the beginning of April. Please be sure to review your configuration so that it does not use no-longer supported metric names till the end of March. Also do not use new metrics until the update, we will let you know about it.