Week in Review -- September 5, 2017

We've spent a lot of time on squashing bugs in GoodData Writer, Google Drive Writer, Docker Sandbox and Gelf logger and on several new features which are not yet ready. Besides, there are two nice things we can tell you about.

UI of the KBC is being revised for a few weeks now and you can see the first results in the unification of buttons for creating new resources. 

Database Writers now allow triggering `nullable` values for all columns at once.

New version of AdWords Extractor

We released a new AdWords Extractor updated to use the latest version of AdWords API v201705. The previous Extractor is marked as deprecated. It uses API v201607 which will be switched off by June 27. You are encouraged to migrate soon during the June. 

Configuration migration is automatic but you need to rewrite fetching of deprecated values yourself according to the migration guide (https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/migration/v201705). AdWords developer token must be entered to the configuration again because it will be encrypted for this app only. You also have to reauthorize OAuth access to your data.

Week in Review -- May 30, 2017

New version of Dropbox extractor

Our third-party partner Radek Tomášek published the new version of Dropbox extractor which uses Dropbox API v2. Old extractor uses API v1 which will be deprecated soon so you are recommended to migrate to the new extractor soon. See http://status.keboola.com/dropbox-extractor-v2

Pipedrive extractor

An extractor to Pipedrive: Sales CRM & Pipeline Management Software was published to all users.


Detail of transformation job was slightly improved for better intelligibility.


We fixed email validation of invitation form which prevented you from inviting users with emails with e.g. geographic top-level domains like '.london'.

Intermittent data load errors in GoodData Writer

Some data loads may end with similar error message: {"upload_status.json":"SLI CSV \"dataset.outcmaincalled_numbers.csv\" does not contain header line"}. It is caused by an error in GoodData WebDav and GoodData support is working on a fix. The occurence is rather sporadic and appears in one or two client projects a day and usually vanishes after few hours.

Week in Review -- April 11, 2017

Improved table export from Storage console

  • works uniformly regardless of the backend
  • exports big tables up to 5 GB gzipped
  • exported file contains name of the table

UI Improvements

  • Fixed text overflow in table layouts
  • Improved empty states in transformations

Updated Storage API client for R

Please upgrade to a new version, see its Github repository.

Improved Facebook extractor

Facebook extractor is able to correctly set required primary keys for insights data.

Week In Review -- January 30, 2017


We have introduced garbage collection for MySQL sandboxes. All sandboxes will be automatically discarded after 14 days. Redshift and Snowflake sandboxes will follow soon.

BigQuery Extractor

The Extractor allows you run query with BigQuery legacy SQL or standard SQL dialect.

Snowflake Writer

Empty values are now converted to NULL when the column is set to nullable.

GoodData Extractor

Old version of GoodData extractor has been deprecated in December and will be switched off in upcoming days. Please migrate to the new version if you haven't done it yet. More information here.

Project Access Approval

Now you can require that visiting support administrators will have their access request approved by an existing project member in order to temporarily join your project. See this article for more information.

New version of GoodData extractor

We have released a new version of GoodData extractor. It runs fully in our Docker infrastructure and so uses its whole potential. It is no longer dependent on GoodData Writer and calls GoodData API directly. It can either take credentials from a chosen writer or you can specify your own. Then you specify uri of reports you want to download as in the old version.

The old extractor is now deprecated and will be switched off by the end of January. A migration wizard which will help you with transition will appear in the old extractor ui later today.