- new UI has been deployed under the ‘Extractors’ tab in the KBC UI
- when adding a report to extract, it has to be from a GoodData project that is configured(via writer) under the same KBC project.
Unificaction with latest Keboola Connection UI, preparation for upcoming features.
In the transformation detail you are able to see which transformations are dependent on the current transformation. This list is not editable, clicking on the label redirects to the transformation detail.
- feature: added run button with ability to specify date range and run configuration
- bug fix: add new query to an empty config
- Jobs can be filtered by creator
- Load type (incremental/full) is shown in jobs table
- Bugfix - data type can be specified for LABEL in dataset configuration
Creation of date dimensions has been separated from uploadTable and is visible in jobs queue as independent job (called uploadDateDimension).