Skipped Orchestrations at 0:00 UTC

A few Orchestrations which were scheduled to run at exactly midnight UTC may not have started due to an issue with the Orchestration Scheduler. The issue arose on the 15th of September and has now been resolved.

If you have orchestrations which are scheduled to run at 0:00 UTC, please check that these orchestrations have run correctly.

Sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

Orchestrator table deletion announcement

All Orchestration configurations have been migrated to dedicated configuration storage and old configuration tables in sys.c-orchestrator bucket are no longer used.

Therefore we will automatically delete the configuration bucket sys.c-orchestrator (including its contents) on next Wednesday, April 18. After deletion, you will be informed by KBC notification.

To access orchestration configurations programatically, you must use the Orchestration API.

Orchestration manual run issue

UPDATE: this issue has been solved and one shall not encounter the problem described below.

We have encountered problem when running orchestration manually from the orchestration detail page: 

error message detail: "Error. [Task 0] Job task is different from orchestration task"

We are working on the fix of the problem which should be released within a short while.

Temporal workaround: if you are experiencing such a problem, you can fix it by resaving the orchestration tasks(Edit Tasks->Save).

All other orchestration features are working normally. We are sorry for any inconvenience.  

Retrying Orchestration Jobs and Warning Notifications

We've heard your cries about how difficult it was to re-run failed jobs in the Orchestrator, so we did something about it:

You can now retry any failed job in your orchestration's job queue. On the (failed) job's detail page you'll see a "Job Retry" button in the upper right corner:

Just click on it and press "run" to re-run failed tasks:

If you need to run just a few tasks (failed or not), click on "Choose orchestration tasks to run" to show the task selection list. Select the ones you want by click on grey button in the middle of the window and middle area and activate/de-activate desired tasks.

The run button will create new tasks, so everything will run in the original environment, under the same circumstances and with the same job parameters.  Just take care to note that it is possible that the data underlying the configuration may have been modified by a different process (ie: someone else working with it) in between the last time the job was run and your re-run.


If some tasks are prone to fail often (i.e. wrong credentials in client's Google Analytics), you'll want to activate the "Continue on Failure" flag for the "unstable" tasks. If activated, the Orchestrator will not send an error notification when that specific task fails. Instead the Orchestrator will send out a message to our new notifications channel for "Warnings". Go ahead and subscribe to receive emails about all Warnings:

Email notifications

Orchestrator's email notifications were redesigned. 

If anything wrong happen, Orchestrator send you brief visual overview. All necessary details are accessible through UI. We're not spamming you by long list of logs anymore.

Mobile skin:

Desktop skin:

Orchestrator's Job details

...were redesigned, so your debug scenario should work much smoothly. This is redesigned page with all Jobs and tasks details: