Introducing Keboola Community!

We are proud to announce that we have just launched Keboola Community!

Keboola Community is the place where you can find all feature announcements, share advice, submit feedback, and contribute to discussions about Keboola. So from now on, you can find all news about Keboola on the website.

This page ( will still be providing updates about the performance status and ongoing incidents of the Keboola Connection platform.

We are looking forward to seeing you on both websites!

Tableau Writer

For those who love Tableau, we're officially launching "Tableau Writer". At this time, it's able to provision MySQL database or push data to your own MySQL server.

Our Tableau Writer allows you to rename tables, it's columns and define data types for better handling on Tableau side (which configuration is pretty straight forward too - just let Tableau connect to MySQL server with using proper credentials). 

If you're "Tableau Desktop Personal Edition" user, you can enjoy TDE files very soon! (delivered to your Google Drive account automatically). 

Redshift Integration: Release Preview

Last couple months we've been working hard to deliver this new exciting feature. The day is very close, but we'd like to invite you to our release preview. Until the end of August we're running Redshift as Beta or Release Preview, polishing bugs and delivering the best possible user experience and performance boost. 

To get started with Redshift, you need to create a Redshift bucket in your Storage. The Storage API console allows this or contact Once you have at least one Redshift bucket in your storage (you don't need to store any data in there), the provisioning, transformations and other features will unlock.

You can create transformations (and sandboxes) that use AWS Redshift as their backend. Your current MySQL transformations are incompatible, but the Redshift SQL syntax is very similar. In the input mappings there are some new options (SORTKEY, DISTKEY, COPY command options, datatypes), that are Redshift specific. To take full advantage of our next steps we'd recommend that your Redshift transformations use data from Redshift storage buckets - this will basically eliminate all input and output transfers. But you can use data from regular buckets as well. 

For a Redshift sandbox your Sequel Pro or the native Adminer app are unfortunately useless. You can use the free version of JackDB web app, the Amazon recommended  SQL Workbench/JDBeaver or 0xDBE. Always be careful to use only the schema provided you in the credentials.

During this Release Preview period the usage is free without any guarantee, contact for production deployment during this period. Be careful with big data loads to non-production cluster. As a rule of thumb don't use it for anything >10G (all tables combined).