Delayed jobs in EU region

Execution of some table import jobs scheduled after 07:42 UTC was delayed up to 30 minutes. The delay was caused by new platform release which was immediately rolled back. All systems are now operational.

Failed and delayed jobs in EU region

Database storing locks was restarted at 03:49 UTC which caused the job failures. Also some of the jobs were queued after this failure.

The backlog of all jobs was cleared at 06:15 UTC. The system is fully operational now. We're working on infrastructure changes which should prevent similar issues.

Google Sign In issues

Some users are not able authenticate to KBC using Google Sign In. We are investigating the issue.

In the meantime, please sign in using the standard email and password method.

UPDATE, Sep 22, 07:47 UTC - We have identified the issue. Google users with some special characters in name were affected. We have made changes in interaction with Google. It should resolve this issue. Fix should be deployed in two hours.

UPDATE, Sep 22, 09:55 UTC - Fix was deployed. You should be able to authenticate to KBC using Google Sign In. 

Snowflake connection issues (US region)

We're experiencing random connection errors to Snowflake started on Sep 12, 22:08 UTC.

These errors caused a few transformations failures. We're investigating the issue and we'll update this post with our findings.

Update, Sep 14, 07:15 UTC

These rare errors are still occuring.

Update, Sep 14, 13:07 UTC

Snowflake confirms the issue is on their side and are investigating it.

SQL Server writer failures

Between 9 May 2018, 10:53 CEST and 11 May 2018, 09:30 CEST there were job failures for SQL Server Writer configurations that had nullable data types. The issue was created by a new version of the writer so we have rolled it back to the  previous version while we investigate the root cause.

We're sorry for any inconvenience. 

Facebook and Instagram extractors failures

Some of the configurations of Facebook and Instagram extractors are failing during import to Storage. 

We are working on a fix and we'll update this status when the issue is resolved.

UPDATE 09:56 AM UTC - The issue was resolved. All Facebook and Instagram extractors configurations should be working again.