SilverPop Writer

IBM Silverpop Engage is powerful cloud-based digital marketing platform that provides email marketing and lead management solutions. It allows to create effective email marketing campaigns leveraging behavior-based customer insights. Silverpop provides an XML API interface allowing integration with other systems such as KBC which allowed the creation of this component.

The new SilverPop writer component allows you to update various contact data for your Silverpop email marketing campaigns directly from KBC. It uses Silevrpop's asynchronous API calls allowing you to easily add or update large volumes of data directly in the specified Engage database or contact list(s). 

You can easily upload data from any of your out. tables by specifying it in the Table Input Mapping section. Then you need to provide your login credentials for the Silverpop Engage portal along with Url's of the API endpoint and sftp server in the configuration parameters.

There are various configuration parameters that can be set. You can set columns you want to export, mapping of the exported columns to the Engage database, contact list id's and many others. All of the configuration parameters are thoroughly described in the documentation on github repository.

The component was developed as a 3rd party extension to KBC. If you have any questions regarding the component, please do not hesitate to contact me at