Action Required: Facebook Insights Extractor Token

Facebook might have silently dropped permissions (read_insights and manage_pages) to the token provided in the Facebook Insights Extractor (ex-facebook). Your project might be missing insights data. Here are two simple steps to verify and fix this issue.

Verify your token's permissions

Paste the token(s) you have stored in the configuration into the debugger tool and look for the permissions in the results. If both read_insights and manage_pages are present in the Scopes section, your token is valid.

If not, please create a new the token.

Create a new token

Go to and authorize our extractor with access to your account. You'll get a new token that you can paste back to your configuration.


If you have any gaps in your insights data, you can increase the overlap periods to automatically backfill the missing data or specify the period manually. See documentation for more details, if you're stuck, get in touch with us here in the comments section or at

5 responses
How do we get the token for the Page, for which I would like to use for the Facebook Extractor. Also, note that when I sent my client the link to retrieve token, and i debug that token, it says that it never expires!
There are couple of ways to obtain the page token. If you're one of the page admins, you can go to and obtain the token directly. If not and you have a short-lived access token you can get the page token via /me/accounts call in the Graph API Explorer ( using the short-lived token. Note that the page token has only access to pages' data. If you're after some user data the page token won't work.
If you already have a long-lived user access token (never expires) with correct permission you can use it as well.
how do you generate a long lived user access token vs a short lived? also, can you confirm wiki here:
The wiki link shows how to generate a page-token for a page you have admin rights to. Put another user's access token in the first step in the Access Token field and you'll get access to his pages. I am not sure when and how Facebook creates short-lived vs long-lived tokens, you can always verify the expiration using the Debug button.