Week in Review -- February 12, 2018

New Components

  • Google Trends extractor: this component, developed by Leo Chan (cleojanten@hotmail.com), allows to extract search trends for given keywords in a specified region.


Indexed columns

With the deprecation/removal of the MySQL backend, we deprecated indexed columns because there is no more use for them. You can search/filter through any column now without the need to mark it as indexed.

The following attributes will be removed from manifest files by the end of March 2018:

  • indexed_columns – with the deprecation of the MySQL backend, there is no need to define indexes.
  • rows_count and data_size_bytes – these values are not (and never were) in sync with the input table data and are useless.
  • attributes – table attributes are replaced by table metadata.
  • is_alias – this is something that has nothing to do with the exported data.


  • The Developer portal is now available under a new URL: components.keboola.com (instead of apps.keboola.com). The main reason is that we used the word application in two meanings, and that was confusing. For example, there were applications of type Extractor but also applications of type Application. From now on, everything is a Component. Components are of four types: Extractors (loading data from somewhere), Writers (writing data somewhere), Applications (manipulating data), and Processors (data processing helpers).