Week in review -- December 19, 2016

Hello everyone,

Here's the list of the most important changes we made last week:

Project Power in Credits

A few weeks ago we announced the Project Power (you can find it under User & Settings -> Project Power tab). As we continue to improve this part of Keboola Connection, we are introducing a new unit for measuring the Project Power -- Credits.

We've also begun displaying these power credits for resource consumption instead of Storage IO in job detail.

For now, it's most notable that 1 credit is equal to 1 GB of processed data and the smallest unit we measure is "nano credit" (previously Byte). Anyway, don't worry, an upcoming post about this feature will describe Project Power in full.

New GoodData Extractor

You can find it as GoodData Reports

The old version of GoodData Extractor has been deprecated and we are preparing a migration tool to ease the transition to the new one.

Read more here http://status.keboola.com/new-version-of-gooddata-extractor.

Create a Project with Promo Code

It is now possible to create a project with a Promo Code. This can be useful for workshops or other events, where attendants will be using Keboola Connection. Please contact your Maintainer for more details.

Enjoy your week and Merry Christmas!