Week in Review - August, 16th, 2019

New Features

  • Tables in shared buckets and table aliases now contain metadata from the source tables. In practice, this means that when you create an input mapping for transformations using tables in shared buckets (or aliases), you see the source table data types.

  • In the API response, the source table metadata are contained in the `sourceTable` node – so both the table and alias metadata are available.

New Components

A number of components by Revolt BI:

Updated Components

GoodData Writer

  • Supports reading the Logical Data Model (LDM) from a project.

Minor Improvements & Fixes

  • Google Drive verification issue in the EU region has been resolved.

  • In the input mapping of Snowflake transformations, the TIMESTAMP data type now defaults to TIMESTAMP_NTZ.

  • Terminated job is colored in the same way as a terminated label.