Week in Review -- April 09, 2018

Updated Components

Google AdWords Reports

  • This extractor is finally enabled also for customers using EU instance

Snowflake Writer

  • Added support of VARIANT data type

Google Drive Extractor/Writer, Google Sheets Writer

  • We added support for Team Drives

Impala Extractor

  • Added support for internal tables

Generic Components

We continue with removing so called "static state" from components. Few weeks ago we removed static state from Transformations, and there was a time for additional components. JSON configurations are also editable straight away. This includes configurations from templates (e.g. Youtube Extractor) and configurations for Custom Science Apps (e.g. Custom Science Python).


  • Python/R transformation sandboxes correctly apply filters in input mappings, so input data will be loaded correctly
  • CSV Import uses server side encryption in S3 stage (before uploading to our storage) by default
  • Gmail Extractor supports "message parts" in more sections and there should no longer be messages without parts
  • ThoughtSpot writer correctly handles the "Test Credentials" action


We are deprecating direct import from URL into Storage. Please use the new Http Extractor instead which gives you much more flexibility.