Stuck jobs and unable to start workspaces in AWS EU

Nov 29 07:08 UTC - We are investigating multiple stuck jobs on stack. Affected jobs became stuck around 03:00 AM UTC, other jobs are processing and starting without issues. Next update in 30 minutes or when new information will be available.

Nov 29 08:02 UTC - We have unblocked stuck jobs, and we no longer see queueing of jobs. We are investigating the root cause and impact of the incident. Next update when new information will be available.

Nov 29 08:35 UTC - We're still seeing further symptoms of the outage and we're actively investigating. 

Affected services are: 

  • Workspaces - partial outage (workspaces may have difficulties starting)

Nov 28 10:22 UTC - Platform is now fully operational. We're monitoring all systems closely. 

We're sorry for the inconvenience. If you experienced any job failures please run them again.