Oracle extractor higher error rate

We are investigating higher error rate of Oracle extractor jobs. Affected jobs ends with error:

DB query failed: Export process failed: Connection error: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection Tried 5 times.

Next update in 60 minutes or as new information becomes available.

UPDATE 10:14 UTC: We have preventively rollbacked to previous version of extractor and we are monitoring presence of the failures. Next update in 60 minutes or as new information becomes available.

UPDATE 10:40 UTC: After the rollback all previously affected configurations are running ok. We are investigating what caused the regression in new release and we'll provide details in next three days.

UPDATE June 9, 07:14 UTC: Failures were caused by incorrect connection parameters handling in component. Only configurations using SSH Tunnel were affected. We are working on better test coverage for these cases to avoid the similar issues. We sincerely apologize for the errors.