2024-07-12 13:20 UTC We discovered a problem with Mysql extractor with custom queries, this issue caused PK to be deleted in tables.
The problem has probably occurred since 09:50 UTC.
Update 13:28 UTC We found out that since 09:55 UTC the problem is also related to the Snowflake extractor.
Update 14:08 UTC We found that the mentioned problem started to appear from 09:50 UTC and for the mysql extractor the problem persisted until 12:50 UTC, in the case of the snowflake extractor until 13:30 UTC.In case you do not use custom query, mysql extractor or snowflake extractor this problem does not apply to you.
If you are using custom query and the job ended with an error at the incriminated time or next job ended with an error, in order fix your data you need to switch the extractor to full load and run the job again and contact support.
We are not experiencing any further problems and apologise for the inconvenience.