Redshift Incremental Load Issues (duplicate rows)

On Jun 2, 2016 3:40pm UTC+2 a new version of Storage API was released containing the following bug.

Incremental loads into Redshift tables with primary keys do not correctly deduplicate data - rows with duplicate primary key may exist in the table.

We'll be deploying the original version shortly and then we'll dedup all affected tables.

We're sorry for this inconvenience, we'll keep you updated in this post. 

UPDATE Jun 3, 2016, 2:30pm UTC+2

Original version deployed. We're starting recovery process, no service outage will be required.

UPDATE Jun 4, 2016, 9:15am UTC+2

Recovery process for all affected tables is finished, all duplicate records should be mitigated. We're now investigating the root cause of the issue to prevent similar incidents in the future.