iTunes Connect Extractor - update

A few months ago I made my first contribution to Keboola Ecosystem and created a component to Keboola Connection that downloaded data from iTunes Connect. It was working well, but despite my limited knowledge of how to really work with Keboola Connection (and my limited knowledge of practical programming as well), the functionality of the component was quite limited and was possible to download just one type of report. Two days ago I decided to improve this extractor significantly and I can proudly share the results of this update.

From the business perspective the major update is related to possibility of downloading more types of reports. Last version allowed you to download only Sales data. Now is possible to extract Earnings data as well. There is also an automatic fiscal calendar generator (5-4-4) that make sure the download of the earnings data will be handled in the correct order. It's been generated dynamically and results of the fiscal calendar generator were validated against Apple calendar and data is set properly. Another improvement was about adding more options for downloading of Sales data. More types of grain is supported in the new version.

From the technical perspective, there is an avalanche of various improvements. In a nutshell, scripts were simplified by removing unnecessary logic (as my understanding of Keboola is better) & rewrote the handling of asynchronous flow completely. Files are also uploaded dynamically and for that reason a need for specifying static Table Output Mapping is removed completely. That helped to simplify the input parameters. Credentials are now encrypted.   

Check the documentation & source code for more information. And in case of any question/issue, don't hesitate to contact me at my email ( I am happy to provide more details if you are interested in.