Deprecated Facebook Ads API v2.8 and below

Facebook is deprecating all Marketing API versions prior to v2.9 on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 and recommends upgrading to version v2.9 immediately. Facebook Ads Extractor uses v2.8 by default for all newly created configurations but after July 26 all newly created configurations will have default api-version set to v2.9.

The migration should only require changing the api-version parameter in all existing configurations of our Facebook Ads Extractor. However, since there may be some breaking changes, we strongly recommend to change the api-version in your configurations manually, review any possible changes and take the appropriate actions. For more details on the new version, please read Marketing API Changes in v2.9 in the Facebook API changlelog. Of those changes we'd like to highlight the deprecation of date_preset values which are replaced with new ones, e.g. last_3_days, replaced by last_3d .

In other Facebook news, they have announced version v2.10 of Facebook API and Facebook Marketing API.