tag:status.keboola.com,2013:/posts Keboola Status 2024-07-25T06:47:34Z Keboola Connection - Platform Status tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2126138 2024-07-25T06:47:34Z 2024-07-25T06:47:34Z Failing jobs of kds-team.app-custom-python component

Since July 24th 19:30 UTC, we are seeing increased error rate jobs of kds-team.app-custom-python component, failing with "Failed to install package" error message. 

We have reverted to the previous working version and component is now working as expected. 

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2125721 2024-07-23T13:04:08Z 2024-07-23T14:02:20Z Blocked Google account when browsing in Keboola UI

2024-07-23 13:00 UTC: We are investigating problems with access to Google APIs in our UI

2024-07-23 13:10 UTC: Error about blocked account occurs when trying to browse content using file picker for components keboola.ex-google-drive, keboola.wr-google-sheets we are working on fix now.

2024-07-23 14:00 UTC: We have identified the root cause and are now waiting for Google to take action to resolve the issue.

Next update when new information is available.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2124391 2024-07-18T10:07:28Z 2024-07-20T07:58:38Z Planned service maintenance on July 20th in GCP US and GCP EU stacks

We would like to inform you about the planned maintenance of Keboola stacks hosted on GCP.

This maintenance is necessary to keep our services running smoothly and securely. Please note the following schedule and the stacks affected:

Impact of the Maintenance and Recommended Mitigation:

  • Access to Data and Projects: You will not be able to log into Keboola and access your data or projects during the maintenance period. Any ongoing network connections will be terminated, and you will receive an “HTTP 503 - Service Unavailable” status message. See below for recommended steps to take to avoid any impact to scheduled jobs in Keboola.
  • Running Tasks and Orchestrations: Flows (Orchestrations) and running transformations will generally be delayed but not interrupted. Please note that any schedules set to start during the maintenance window will also be delayed.
  • Steps to Take: We recommend rescheduling your Saturday orchestrations that are planned for July 20th to avoid any impact from this maintenance. Refer to the maintenance schedule above for exact timings across the stacks affected.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to maintain and improve our service. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

2024-07-20 7:00 UTC: We have started the maintenance.

2024-07-20 7:58 UTC: The maintenance is complete, and both stacks are now fully operational.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2123044 2024-07-12T13:22:01Z 2024-07-12T14:08:54Z Mysql extractor and Snowflake extractor job with custom query can drop PK on table

2024-07-12 13:20 UTC We discovered a problem with Mysql extractor with custom queries, this issue caused PK to be deleted in tables.

The problem has probably occurred since 09:50 UTC.

Update 13:28 UTC We found out that since 09:55 UTC the problem is also related to the Snowflake extractor.

Update 14:08 UTC We found that the mentioned problem started to appear from 09:50 UTC and for the mysql extractor the problem persisted until 12:50 UTC, in the case of the snowflake extractor until 13:30 UTC

In case you do not use custom query, mysql extractor or snowflake extractor this problem does not apply to you.

If you are using custom query and the job ended with an error at the incriminated time or next job ended with an error, in order fix your data you need to switch the extractor to full load and run the job again and contact support.

We are not experiencing any further problems and apologise for the inconvenience.
tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2122547 2024-07-10T12:48:10Z 2024-07-12T06:58:38Z Storage Jobs Errors

2024-07-10 12:45 UTC We are experiencing some storage jobs failing with application errors since 12:00 UTC. We are currently investigating the issue and will provide an update within one hour.

2024-07-10 13:45 UTC We are still investigating the issue that is occurring since 12:00 UTC. Our team is working to identify and resolve the problem. We will provide another update within one hour.

2024-07-10 15:00 UTC We have likely identified the root cause of the problem. Our team is preparing to revert the changes that were deployed on the platform earlier today. Once the previous version is deployed, the issue should be resolved. We will provide another update within one hour.

2024-07-10 15:30 UTC The issue has been resolved by deploying the previous version. Jobs created after 15:25 UTC should no longer fail with internal errors. If you observe any issues, please feel free to contact our support team. We apologize for the inconvenience.

2024-07-12 06:50 UTC  We are investigating additional potential impacts of the earlier issue. In very rare cases, it may cause table export mismatches between jobs within the same project. This is not confirmed yet. We will contact affected customers if any are identified.

Erik Žigo
tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2121369 2024-07-05T11:07:04Z 2024-07-05T15:26:59Z Pay as you go payments without credits

2024-07-05 11:06 UTC We are investigating payments on https://connection.north-europe.azure.keboola.com/ which are not transferred into credits in platform.

2024-07-05 11:15 UTC We have identified root cause of the issue and prepared fix which will be deployed approximately ~13:00 UTC, all payments will be credited when fix is deployed.

2024-07-05 13:00 UTC Issue is now resolved, all payments are credited.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2120894 2024-07-03T10:23:13Z 2024-07-03T13:15:38Z Misplaced columns in Google BigQuery Extractor component
2024-07-03 10:22 UTC: On Monday, July 1st, we released version 1.9.0 of the Google BigQuery Extractor. Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that this version does not properly respect the columns selected. Instead, it retrieves all columns, which could result in having different data in different columns than intended.

This issue may affect the accuracy of the data extracted and could lead to discrepancies in your data analysis and reporting.

Current Status:
• We have reverted the Google BigQuery Extractor to the previous version to prevent further impact.
• Our team is actively investigating the root cause of this issue.

Next Steps:
• We are working diligently to develop a fix that will ensure the correct columns are extracted as specified.
• We are also reviewing the data impacted by this issue and will provide further guidance on any corrective actions required.

What You Should Do:
• Review your recent data extractions performed since Monday July 1st 11:54 UTC. You can do that using Workspaces or Data Preview.
• If you notice any discrepancies or have concerns about your data, please contact our support team immediately.

We understand the importance of data accuracy and apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused. We are committed to resolving this promptly and keeping you informed throughout the process.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

2024-07-03 13:15 UTC: We have identified the root cause. The issue occurs if the columns selected in the configuration are in a different order than the columns that already exist in the output table. This can result in:

Data Misplacement: Data in the resulting table being placed under the wrong column.
Import Failures: If the table has more columns than selected in the configuration, the platform attempts to add the missing columns, which caused an import failure.

We have a solution to fix the impacted data. If you find that your data was compromised by this issue, please contact our support team for assistance. They will help you out to revert your data to previous state.

Customer Action Required:
• If you notice any discrepancies or have concerns about your data, please contact our support team immediately.
• Our support team will assist in fixing any compromised data due to this incident.
tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2119795 2024-06-28T18:30:02Z 2024-06-28T18:30:03Z Jobs detail error on all stacks

2024-06-28 18:30 UTC - Approximately from 2024-06-28 18:00 UTC we noticed a problem when displaying the job detail when the detail ended with the error "Invalid date time value "Invalid Date" for field createdTimeTo"

We have resolved the issue by deploying the previous version and the error should no longer be displayed.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2118236 2024-06-22T07:42:09Z 2024-06-22T08:41:10Z Delay in Telemetry Data Updates

2024-06-22 7:40 UTC Due to an outage in the Snowflake in one of the regions, Telemetry Data has not been updated since 4:30 UTC and will be delayed for the duration of the outage.

Other functions of our platform should operate normally and remain unaffected by this outage.
This issue affects all of our customers, regardless of the Storage backend they are using (Snowflake, BigQuery, etc.).

2024-06-22 8:40 UTC THe Snowfalke outage has been resolved. Telemetry data has been fully updated and is now up-to-date. Thank you for patience.

Erik Žigo
tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2115892 2024-06-12T04:43:04Z 2024-06-12T04:43:04Z Stuck jobs and failures in AWS EU stack
2024-06-12 We have experienced some jobs stuck to continue and failed between  06:20 - 06:40 UTC. The root cause was invalid job node, we had to shut it down to prevent further issues.
tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2113954 2024-06-06T08:25:03Z 2024-06-06T08:25:04Z Snowflake Security Notice

We want to inform our users of a recent security concern proactively announced by Snowflake. Snowflake has released important proactive measures that our Security team is currently following. Please find instructions here - https://community.snowflake.com/s/article/Communication-ID-0108977-Additional-Information

The Keboola Security team are performing queries in both Keboola managed and unmanaged Snowflake accounts to identify activity against the published list of suspected IP addresses - following the advice provided by Snowflake. If our investigations return any activity from the identified IP addresses, we will be in touch with your Keboola Admin immediately. Furthermore we will notify users once Snowflake provide an update from their ongoing inquiry.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2112675 2024-05-28T10:47:56Z 2024-05-31T13:30:57Z Slow jobs in AWS eu-central-1 stack

2024-05-28 10:45 UTC - We are investigation slow responses from queue API. 

2024-05-28 11:25 UTCWe have identified the root cause. All services are now operating normally, but some jobs may be delayed.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2111684 2024-05-23T12:34:08Z 2024-05-23T13:49:47Z Slow jobs listing in AWS eu-central-1 stack

2024-05-23 12:30 UTC - We are investigation slow responses in jobs list requests that affects the UI responsiveness. 

2024-05-23 13:48 UTC -  We have identified the root cause of the overload and took action to address it. The platform is stable at the moment. We continue to monitor it and are working on a permanent solution.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2110921 2024-05-20T05:53:49Z 2024-05-20T06:41:08Z Job delays in AWS us-east-1 stack

2024-05-20 05:53 UTC - We are investigating job delays in AWS us-east-1 stack (connection.keboola.com). The next update will be provided when we have more information.

2024-05-20 06:38 UTC - We have identified the root cause of the overload and took action to address it. The platform is stable at the moment. We continue to monitor it and are working on a permanent solution.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2110776 2024-05-19T16:25:04Z 2024-05-19T17:06:18Z Job delays in AWS us-east-1 stack

2024-05-19 16:24 UTC - We are investigating the higher error rate and job delays in AWS us-east-1 stack (connection.keboola.com). The next update will be provided when we have more information.

2024-05-19 16:49 UTC - The platform has stabilized, and the job backlog is being cleared. Jobs were delayed but not errored as a result of this incident.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2109827 2024-05-15T12:28:27Z 2024-05-15T13:04:24Z Failing Facebook ads component due to Facebook outage

2024-05-15 12:14 UTC We are experiencing Facebook ads extractor component to fail due to Facebook outage. Facebook reports the outage is already solved, however we are still sill seeing components failing on "Service temporarily unavailable", which is error message directly from Facebook api. We continue monitoring the issue and wait for Facebook to resolve the outage correctly. More info on https://metastatus.com/ or https://developers.facebook.com/community/threads/3832997983612514/

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2109090 2024-05-12T03:47:40Z 2024-05-12T03:47:40Z Stuck jobs and failures in AWS EU stack

2024-05-12 We have experienced some jobs stuck to continue and failed between  03:00 - 03:45 UTC. The root cause was invalid job node, we had to shut it down to prevent further issues. 

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2108193 2024-05-07T08:07:32Z 2024-05-07T11:11:15Z Failures of dbt Cloud Job Trigger component

Since 2024-05-06 21:30 UTC, the dbt Cloud Job Trigger component has been failing due to the error 'Missing columns: scribe_enabled.' We are currently investigating the root cause and will provide more information as soon as it becomes available.

UPDATE 2024-05-07 08:43 UTC - Since 08:18 UTC, we have not observed any further errors. The DBT Cloud has resumed returning the scribe_enabled field, which has resolved the failures. We are currently investigating the cause of this change on their side.

UPDATE 2024-05-07 11:08 UTC - We have continued to observe a few occurrences of errors. A new version of the component was deployed at 10:05 UTC, designed not to fail if the scribe_enabled field is missing in the response. In such cases, scribe_enabled will be set as empty.
We have not observed any further errors since the deployment of the new version. The incident is now resolved.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2107954 2024-05-06T07:05:29Z 2024-05-06T07:06:08Z KBC Project Metadata component failing on token endpoint
Due to change how we allow projects manage their tokens, projects using KBC Project Metadata component (kds-team.ex-kbc-project-metadata-v2) are failing while requesting token for a given project.

This component is however experimental and not longer maintained, so we're investigating best scenarios to mitigate failing jobs in affected projects. For now, we're reverting the change. It should propagate within ~90 minutes from this post.

Thanks for understanding.
tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2107447 2024-05-03T12:28:00Z 2024-05-03T12:29:22Z Wrong behavior of Output mapping for DBT and no-code transformations in Azure north-europe region

All DBT and No-code transformations have been affected by a bug and no tables were imported from these transformations to Storage (in process of output mapping). This issue has been detected, root cause identified and version with this issue was rollbacked

DBT and no-code transforamtions running in interval 9AM CEST 2024-05-02 - 2pm CEST 2024-05-03 might be affected, and re-run is recommended.

This issue affected https://connection.north-europe.azure.keboola.com/ only. 

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2105945 2024-04-25T13:03:09Z 2024-04-26T07:43:24Z Queue v1 jobs and sync actions failing, Queue V2 jobs delayed in all stacks

Today since 12:00 UTC we suffer jobs as well as sync actions failing to start due to bug introduced in the last deploy. We are now reverting to the previous working version. 

Update 13:15 UTC (resolved) : We have successfully reverted backend to the previous working version and platform is back operational now.

Update 13:30 UTC: Upon further investigation and damage analysis, we found that Queue v2 jobs were delayed in starting because of this incident. That could result in delays of up to one hour.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2105896 2024-04-25T02:24:27Z 2024-04-25T02:24:27Z Stuck jobs and failures in AWS EU stack

2024-04-25 02:23 UTC - We experienced another incident on connection.eu-central-1.keboola.com between 01:30 UTC and 02:30 UTC. Some jobs ended in error due to an underlying node failure. We're still investigating the root cause and taking measures to prevent future incidents.

Václav Eder
tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2105776 2024-04-24T14:32:18Z 2024-04-24T14:32:19Z Slowing Down Queue Jobs on AWS EU Stack

We noticed a slowdown in our AWS EU stack’s job queue from 12:00 to 14:00 UTC, due to a temporary service performance issue. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Our team has resolved the problem and we are taking steps to prevent future occurrences. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Václav Eder
tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2105351 2024-04-22T13:12:14Z 2024-04-22T15:14:42Z Error on loading data to storage from job

13:07 UTC: We're investigating an issue where import to Storage shows "Storage API: The new primary key cannot be created; duplicate values in primary key columns exist" error. 
Next update in 15 minutes. 

13:24 UTC: We've rolled back the last release. We're investigating impact of the issue. 

13:54 UTC: We're still investigating the impact. 

14:34 UTC: We're still investigating the impact. So far it seems to have only impacted a very limited number of customer jobs. We will reach out to the affected customers separately as soon as we finish the impact investigation.  

15:09 UTC: We've finished investigating the impact and we're reaching out to the affected customers. 

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2103328 2024-04-13T10:44:24Z 2024-04-13T13:30:13Z AWS eu-central stack maintenance

AWS eu-central-1 stack (connection.eu-central-1.keboola.com) maintenance will start today, April 13, 2024, at 12:00 UTC, as announced earlier.

You will not be able to log into Keboola and access your data or projects during the maintenance period. Any ongoing network connections will be terminated, and you will receive an “HTTP 503 - Service Unavailable” status message. Flows (Orchestrations) and running transformations will generally be delayed but not interrupted. Please note that any schedules set to start during the maintenance window will also be delayed.

Maintenance should take less than three hours.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.

Update 12:00 UTC: AWS eu-central-1 stack (connection.eu-central-1.keboola.com) maintenance started.

Update 13:30 UTC: AWS eu-central-1 stack (connection.eu-central-1.keboola.com) maintenance is finished and the stack is now fully operational.

Thank you for your patience.]]>
tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2101626 2024-04-06T06:00:59Z 2024-04-06T08:02:15Z AWS us-east-1 stack maintenance

AWS us-east-1 stack (connection.keboola.com) maintenance will start today, April 06, 202407:00 UTC, as announced earlier.

You will not be able to log into Keboola and access your data or projects during the maintenance period. Any ongoing network connections will be terminated, and you will receive an “HTTP 503 - Service Unavailable” status message. Flows (Orchestrations) and running transformations will generally be delayed but not interrupted. Please note that any schedules set to start during the maintenance window will also be delayed.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.

Update 07:00 UTC: AWS us-east-1 stack (connection.keboola.com) maintenance started.

Update 08:00 UTC: AWS us-east-1 stack (connection.keboola.com) maintenance is finished and the stack is now fully operational.

Thank you for your patience.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2101225 2024-04-04T07:33:05Z 2024-04-04T07:39:50Z Error on installing python packages in transformations

7:20 UTC: We are investigating an error when installing a python package in the transformations.
You may see errors such as: Job "XXXXXXX" ended with a user error "Failed to install package: io".
Next update in 15 min.

UPDATE 7:38 UTC: We have rolled back a previous version and all operations are back normal. We're sorry for this inconvenience. 

Václav Eder
tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2098416 2024-03-23T10:00:03Z 2024-03-23T11:52:55Z Limited service disruption for Azure EU
A limited service disruption on Azure EU stack will start at 11:00 a.m. UTC today, as announced earlier. Storage jobs processing will stop and new jobs will be delayed until the upgrade is completed. All running jobs will be cancelled, but will resume after the upgrade.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.

Update 11:00 UTC: Azure North Europe stack (connection.north-europe.azure.keboola.com) maintenance started.

Update 11:52 UTC: Azure North Europe stack (connection.north-europe.azure.keboola.com) service disruption has been resolved and the stack is now fully operational. Thank you for your patience.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2097231 2024-03-18T10:12:14Z 2024-03-18T10:12:14Z Reminder: Scheduled Maintenance for Keboola AWS and Azure Stacks – March and April 2024

We would like to remind you of the upcoming scheduled maintenance for Keboola stacks hosted on AWS and Azure.

The announced maintenance of the Keboola platform for both Azure and AWS stacks is scheduled for March and April 2024.

Read more in the original maintenance announcement.

tag:status.keboola.com,2013:Post/2096831 2024-03-16T09:22:39Z 2024-03-17T12:06:20Z 2024-03-16 Jobs not starting in AWS eu-central-1

9:21 UTC: We are investigating jobs not starting on AWS EU this morning. Next update in 30 minutes.

9:57 UTC: We are still investigating the issue. Next update in 30 minutes.

10:24 UTC: We have identified stuck job that was causing other jobs not starting and proceed to unblock it. The platform is operational now and all stuck jobs have started running. We continue investigating the root cause. 
